Powering Exporters and Building Businesses

With technology changing the world we live in, the companies of the future are broadening their horizon and making the world their marketplace. At EXIMBANK we provide financial support for exporters of every size. Here are some answers to questions you may have.

The main advantages of Eximbank are our commendable customer service, competitive rates and readily availability of USD funds.

No, both fledgling and established manufacturers are welcome.

No! This is one of the advantages of Eximbank; we have USD currency readily available.

Approval times will vary according to the product, dollar amount and complexity of the transaction.

Interest rates are competitive and are subject to the creditworthiness of the exporter, the strength of their financials and the security being offered.

Security is dependent upon risk rating and will include but not limited to tangible security.

Of course! All our products can be utilised by the service industry. For example, we can insure you against non-payment by your foreign customers due to both commercial and political risks.

How can we help you?

  • Contact us at EXIMBANK’s office or submit a business inquiry online.